LCF is excited to welcome two new red ruffed lemurs to our reserve!
In early March, red ruffed lemurs Indy and Ruby made the close journey from the Naples Zoo in Naples, FL to join our colony. This transfer was recommended by the Species Survival Plan (SSP) for red ruffed lemurs. SSPs are used to help manage the population of select species in AZA facilities and to help with the conservation of those species in the wild.
Our new male, Indy, is outgoing and inquisitive, always quick to come investigate what the keepers are up to. Female Ruby, on the other hand, is a bit more shy and reserved but we quickly learned she can be won over with a delicious celery stick.
Red ruffed lemur male ‘Indy’ (left ) and female ‘Ruby’ (right)
Unfortunately their arrival also caused us a problem- we already have a ring-tailed lemur named Indy! LCF’s red ruffed lemurs typically have Malagasy-themed names so we went to work on finding new names that would suit our new lemurs and also not confuse the staff! After a major debate among our team, we decided to rename Indy as Hazo, meaning ‘tree’ in Malagasy, and Ruby is now known as Aviavy, meaning ‘figs’.
Both have settled into their new home and now spend their days exploring their enclosure and calling to LCF’s other red ruffed lemur residents.

Male red ruffed lemur ‘Indy’
now known as ‘Hazo’

Female red ruffed lemur ‘Ruby’
now known as ‘Aviavy’