A few weeks ago, we wrote about plans for nearly 28,000 trees from six nurseries which we support in Madagascar (Madagascar tree planting increases). We’re pleased to share that they have now been planted by our reforestation teams at three sites near Marojejy National Park and Anjanaharibe-Sud Special Reserve (ASSR).
Forty-nine different tree species were planted: primarily native endemic species such as Raphia palms, Canarium, Hintsia, Calophyllum, endangered rosewood and ebony, as well as fruit trees and cash crops such as coffee and cloves requested by local residents for planting in villages.
Trees were planted inside Antanetiambo Nature Reserve and Anolakely Nature Reserve and private land near ASSR.
Many thanks to our reforestation partners for making this possible:
Forest Madagascar
Graine de Vie
Green Again: Madagascar
Missouri Botanical Garden