Dr. Erik R. Patel
Conservation and Research Director, Lemur Conservation Foundation
- PhD, Cornell University
- MA, University of California, Berkeley
- BA, Earlham College
Dr. Patel is a primatologist who has been working in northeastern Madagascar in Marojejy National Park every year since 2000, where he has been studying the behavioral biology and conservation of one of the most critically endangered primates in the world, the silky sifaka lemur (Propithecus candidus). He also serves as the Madagascar country field representative for the international environmental organization Seacology and as a member of the Madagascar Primate Specialist Group of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
From 2012 to 2015 Dr. Patel served as the project director of Duke Lemur Center’s SAVA Conservation Project. His fieldwork has garnered considerable media attention, including several televised feature films (by the BBC, Dan Rather Reports, Animal Planet, Earth Touch). In April 2010, “Saving the Ghosts of Madagascar” made the cover of Smithsonian Magazine. In 2020, the New York Times featured LCF’s programs on the front page of the Science section. In 2021, Cornell University Alumni Magazine featured our programs as well (for the second time).
Mills C. J., Nekaris K. A. I., Campera M., and Patel ER. (In Review). The effects of habitat degradation and seasonality on the home ranges and activity budgets of silky sifakas (Propithecus candidus).
Ross PH, Patel E, Ravelojaona RN, Raoloniana GL, Dollar L, Parker PG (In Review). Thin corridors limit wildlife: Variance of tropical carnivore distribution and habitat use in a critical rainforest corridor.
Lovanomenjanahary M., Randrianarimanana R, and Patel ER (2023). Elevational variation of temperature and relative humidity in the Parc National de Marojejy. Malagasy Nature 17: 32 – 40. http://www.vahatra.mg/volume17/mn17_chapter02.pdf
Eppley TM., Borgerson C., Patel, E.R., Herrera J.P., Kirkby A.E., Golden C.D., … and Vasey N. (2023). A habitat stronghold on the precipice: A call‐to‐action for supporting lemur conservation in northeast Madagascar. American Journal of Primatology, e23483. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1268&context=anth_fac
Mills, C. J., Nekaris, K. A. I., Campera, M., & Patel, E. (2021). Silky sifakas (Propithecus candidus) use sleep sites for thermoregulation, food access and predator avoidance. Folia Primatologica, 92(5-6), 315-326. https://karger.com/fpr/article-abstract/92/5-6/315/828361/Silky-Sifakas-Propithecus-candidus-Use-Sleep-Sites?redirectedFrom=fulltext
Eppley, T. M., Hoeks, S., Chapman, C. A., Ganzhorn, J. U., Hall, K., Owen, M. A., Patel, E.R…… & Santini, L. (2022). Factors influencing terrestriality in primates of the Americas and Madagascar. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(42), e2121105119. https://ipn.elsevierpure.com/en/publications/factors-influencing-terrestriality-in-primates-of-the-americas-an
Sorenson KM, Jaofeno LJ, Patel ER, and Nekaris KAI (2021). “Thank you, Marojejy:” affective learning outcomes of student participants in place-based field trips to Marojejy National Park. Madagascar Conservation & Development, 16(1): 1 –7. https://www.journalmcd.com/index.php/mcd/article/view/763
Patel ER (2021). Changing times, changing threats: Conservation of the Marojejy National Park protected area complex. In Madagaskar – Von Makis, Menschen und einem bedrohten Paradies edited by Lennart Pyritz. Springer-Verlag (Berlin).
Ross PH, Patel E, Ferguson B, Ravelijaona RN and others (2020) Assessment of the threatened carnivore community in the recently expanded rainforest protected area Anjanaharibe-Sud Special Reserve, Madagascar. Endangered Species Research 43:89-98.
Patel ER, Jaofeno LJ, Grand A, Amato G (2020). Lemur Conservation Foundation. In Madagascar by D. Austin and H. Bradt, 13th edition. P. 406. Bradt Travel Guides, Ltd.UK.
Loudon, J. E., Patel, E. R., Faulkner, C., Schopler, R., Kramer, R. A., Williams, C. V., and Herrera, J. P. (2017). Ethnoprimatological assessment of human impact on the parasite ecology of silky sifaka (Propithecus candidus). In K. M. Dore, E. P. Riley, and A. Fuentes (Eds.), Ethnoprimatology (pp. 89–110). Cambridge University Press, UK.
Patel ER (2016). Synthesis of the silky sifaka’s distribution (Propithecus candidus). Madagascar Conservation and Development 11(1).
Ganzhorn J, Arrigo-Nelson S, Carrai V, Chalise M, Donati G, Eppley TM, Irwin MT, Patel ER et al. (2017). The importance of protein in leaf selection of folivorous primates. American Journal of Primatology 79(4).
Sato H, Santini L, Patel Erik R., Campera M, Yamashita N, Colquhoun IC, Donati G (2015). Dietary flexibility and feeding strategies of Eulemur: a comparison with Propithecus. International Journal of Primatology: 1-21.
Schwitzer C, Mittermeier RA,Johnson SE, Donati G, Irwin M, Peacock H, Ratsimbazafy J, Louis E.E., Chikhi L., I. Colquhoun, E. Patel, R. Dolch, M. Lafleur, P. Wright et al. (2014). Averting lemur extinctions amid Madagascar’s political crisis. Science 343 (6173): 842 – 843.
Patel, E. R. 2014. Silky Sifaka Propithecus candidus Grandidier, 1871, Madagascar (2012 – 2014). In Schwitzer, C., Mittermeier, R. A., Rylands, A. B., Taylor, L. A., Chiozza, F., Williamson, E. A., Wallis, J., & Clark, F. A. 2014. Primates in Peril: The World’s 25 Most Endangered Primates 2012-2014. IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group (PSG), International Primatological Society (IPS), and Conservation International (CI), Arlington, VA. 23-26.
Patel, E.R. and Owren, M.J. (2012). Silky sifaka (Propithecus candidus) “zzuss” vocalizations: Sexual dimorphism, individuality, and function in the alarm call of a monomorphic lemur. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132(3): 1799-1810. https://asa.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1121/1.4740475
Patel, E.R. (2010). Madagascar’s illegal logging crisis: An update and discussion of possible solutions. Lemur News 15: 2 – 7. http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com/static/f/1200343/18197341/1337025525107/LN15.pdf?token=Eo0O9aLhomTw38DsBg0y0cfv5Gg%3D
Patel, E.R. (2009). A tragedy with villains: Severe resurgence of selective rosewood logging in Marojejy National Park leads to temporary park closure. Lemur News 14: 1 – 6.
Patel, E.R. and Owren, M.J. (2007). Acoustics and behavioral contexts of “gecker” vocalizations in young rhesus macaques (Macaca mullata). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 121(1): 575 – 585.
Patel ER (2007). Logging of rare rosewood and palisandre (Dalbergia spp.) within Marojejy National Park, Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development, 2(1).
Patel ER (2007). Non-maternal infant care in wild Silky Sifakas (Propithecus candidus). Lemur News 6: 11-16.
Patel ER (2005). Silky sifaka (Propithecus candidus) predation by a fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox). Lemur News 10: 25 – 27.
Patel ER, Marshall JJ, Parathian H (2005). Silky sifaka (Propithecus candidus) conservation education in northeastern Madagascar. Laboratory Primate Newsletter 44(3): 8 – 11.
Contributing Author Towards
“Silky sifaka (Propithecus candidus)” in Mittermeier RA, Reuter KE, Rylands AB, Louis Jr. EE, Ratsimbazafy J…Rajaobelina S (2023). Lemurs of Madagascar. 5th Edition. ReWild.
“Lemur Food Plants” in Eppley T, Steffens KJE,Colquhoun IC, and Birkinshaw C (2022) in New Natural History of Madagascar pp. 1839 – 1859.
“Silky sifaka (Propithecus candidus)” in Mammals of Madagascar: A Complete Guide by Nick Garbutt. London: A&C Black. 2010.